A blog detailing the ongoing slobberpalooza that is the life of those with both a baby and a boxer.

Aldinga House Update

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Ok, just a quick update on the status of the investment house Karen and I are building down at Aldinga. As you can see from the photo, it actually now looks like a house. It just needs a kitchen, some tiles and some paint and we're done. Yippee. Of course, it was supposed to be finished a month ago, so we would have time to sell it so that we could use the money on our little world tour coming up in August/September, but as they say in the construction business, shit happens. Never "sorry we ran over schedule, even though you bent over backwards getting stuff organised so we could start on time", just "shit happens". Perhaps if your lucky you will get "what are you going to do about it" as an addendum, but that's it.

The house as it stands Posted by Hello

One thing about the house, the foundations have cost a fricken fortune. The soil is active to say the least, and it is full of Uluru sized rocks, which digging contractors generally hate trying to remove. Now having started the fencing and landscaping, I can sympathise with them. Check out this sucker I had to dig out. This was one rock that I had break in half with a crowbar just to fit on the wheelbarrow. Sheesh. It is so big I considered growing some moss on it to use in the garden, but unfortunately the stuff it reaction got me and I just threw it in the skip with the rest of the rubbish.

check out the size of this baby Posted by Hello

Other happenings over the weekend was a bonfire night, held by our friends visiting from Canberra, Ben and Beck. Ben's folks have retired to a ranch in the Adelaide Hills, and so what better way to spend a winters night than drinking port with old friends around an open fire. We did take some photos, but frankly they didn't turn out that well so I haven't posted any. You know what we look like, just imagine us in front of a fire...

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  • From Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
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