A blog detailing the ongoing slobberpalooza that is the life of those with both a baby and a boxer.

William - now 50% bigger!


It's true, William, nearly 8 weeks old is up to a healthy 6100g. He has increased in size by 50% in 8 weeks, and has already outgrown one set of clothes, his baby bath and 2 nappy sizes. Furthermore, he is starting to look a bit crowded in his basinet, and will probably be in his cot within a couple of weeks.

We are still taking weekly photos of him, and I have some more to post soon. He is now smiling quite a lot, and was beaming at the nurse who gave him his first lot of immunisations this morning - at least until the point she actually poked him with the needle.

One of the strange things about blogging is that, even though by nature its supposed to be raw and spontaneous, once you start you feel compelled to update it with some regularity. That pressure has been a bit much for me lately and despite many bloggable things happening in my life, I just can't be arsed. I don't know why, although I am pretty sure it has something to do with my current work assignment, which blows the monkey's choad, so to speak. It's a bit like blogging = typing, typing feels like work, and work is full of BFQ's so I don't want to do it.

Oh yeah, and despite actually getting off my posterior and exercising regularly over the last couple of weeks, I haven't actually moved the needle on the gut o meter yet. Must have something to do with beer...

Steven and Sarah


Just a quick update to show you this photo of Karen's brother Steven and his lovely fiancee Sarah at thier engagement party over the weekend.

A great night had by all, especially since we managed to rig up a big screen to watch the Crows hammer the ever piss bloody weak Port Power in the footy. Not to gloat, but hey Port Power, take your 7 billion years of tradition or what ever claim to have and try not to choke on it next year.

You'll notice the gut-o-meter hasn't moved. This may or may not have something to do with the fact that the exercise program has been a little slow to start. Why, well.....

Finally, for those of you who have cornered me of late about more photos of William on here, you'll be excited to know, you can view the latest photos of him anytime now at...


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  • I'm James
  • From Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
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