Ok, I know that I have mentioned this before, and I don't want to sound soft, but the heat here is really starting to get to us. It is bizarre, the heat and the humidity in Thailand didn't seem to bother us, but the hot, humid weather here is grating. I think it's because in Bangkok you are expecting the weather to be like that, and the city is set up to cope. Buildings and trains are airconditioned, there's lots of shade, etcetera etcetera. But here.... It is so rarely hot that when it does get hot it is unbearable. Most buildings hardly have ventilation let alone airconditioning, and the busses and trains are unbearable, the windows don't open and again, no air con. It's any wonder people drop dead here when it get's above 30, there is just no relief anywhere.
Despite our decidedly shitty accommodation, we are still having a blast here in the Old Dart. Yesterday we visited the Tower of London which was amazing. The history is unlike anything we have in Australia, the white tower in the centre of it was build by William the Conqueror in
1071. That just bends my head. Nearly a millennium ago. Wow. I think the contents of the tower tickled my fancy more than Karen's but then I guess the vast range of swords, spears, jousting sticks (no price tag on them so I couldn't tell them they were dreaming), suits of armour and other instruments of war and torture are going to appeal more to your male audience.
They do have the crown jewels to keep the ladies happy though, and let me tell you, there is some big rocks in there.
For a change of pace in the afternoon, we visited Tate modern art gallery which was cool in a couple of ways, firstly because of the priceless art, they
have to air condition the joint, and secondly because the art in there rocks. There is some amazing installation pieces, and the one that I liked the most was the big circular room with the walls that slowly change colour. It does your head in because the colour fills up your whole field of vision.
To round out the day yesterday, we met up with
Jason again and went to a traditional English pub, the Camden Arms, for a few pints and Steak and gravy pie for tea.
Today's agenda is the British Museum, meet up with my long lost Aunty and Uncle, and then I might see if we can find a TV to watch the final Big Brother eviction here.
Oh, and one more thing. Did you know you can leave comments for us on any of the posts we make here. True story, just click below where it says "x comments", and then click "post a comment". Too easy, hope to hear from you all soon.
Hello James & Karen
The Czornohalan family along with the Lee family read each morning your diary, and all feel that we are along on the holiday with you both.
We are missing you both, but are glad you are having such a great time. We have had a lot of rain here this week, but the sun is shining today -(Saturday), but more rain is predicted for next week. Jasmine & I went for a walk to the Linear Park this morning and the Torrens is flowing very fast and a lot of the bridges are under water. Naomi & Paul's house is almost finished, the kitchen went in yesterday and they are very excited that they will finally have some room in their house to entertain.
Well lots of love James & Karen from both families.
> Did you know you can leave comments for us on any of the posts we make here.
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