A blog detailing the ongoing slobberpalooza that is the life of those with both a baby and a boxer.

New Brunswick

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After we had seen all of the Anne that we could possibly take (sadly we didn't have enough time on the island to wait around for the next performance of Anne the Musical!), we headed back across the very massive confederation bridge to New Brunswick.

Once we restocked with some more supplies, we headed for the Bay of Fundy national park for a look. The Bay of Fundy is famous for its absolutely massive tides, clocking in at some 9m per day! We were there at low tide so we walked around the bottom of the cliffs, marvelling at the water line so far above our heads. Apparently this place has been on Getaway, so it must have been good.

Following our visit, we made the short drive to our cabin which was actually in the National Park. It was really nice, and we used the little kitchen to make our own dinner which was bloody nice for a change. Karen crashed pretty early but I stayed awake and channel surfed taking in a mix of baseball and the comedy channel.

The next morning our plan was to do something outdoorsy in the park, maybe a hike or a bit of golf on the local course. However, a couple of inches of morning rain put paid to that idea! Never mind...

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  • From Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
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