Back to reality with a thud.
Published Monday, October 11, 2004 by James | E-mail this post 
So the holiday is over, and don't I know it.
It took nearly a week for us to fully recover from the trip, I was in asleep by 8:30 everynight for at least a few days. This long recovery would have been fine, except that I had to go back to work to start to pay for the whole junket.
Thus the thud!
It is seriously like I never left. I was back for less than a week before I was back on the plane to sunny Club Moomba resort. The heat, the sand, the flies and the bain marie of death all make Moomba the holiday destination of choice for discerning masochists.
And sadly that's about as much as I've got to say about assimilating back into normal life. It really hasn't been exciting enough to report on. Don't despair though, because this blog is getting an evil twin.
From now on, this blog will be used to report fun stuff that we are up to, and my incessant rants will now move to a self indulgent little place called...
Waxing Cynical, at
Is the 404 error meant to represent your overall level of cynicism ??