A blog detailing the ongoing slobberpalooza that is the life of those with both a baby and a boxer.

Last day in London

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Well, here I am again doing what has become a bit of a ritual, having breakfast, a cup of tea and typing my blog.

Now before I get too into it, there is some cool stuff that I forgot to tell you all about. Karen is pregnant. No, not really, but I would just like to say that was her joke and not mine. First cool thing is the phone boxes here have their phone numbers printed on them so you can ring them up. I messaged Jason the other day to find out what he was doing, and I was in the subway and he told me to send him the number on the nearest phone box. I did, and then it rang. Very matrix, I was kind of expecting to disappear when I answered.

The other cool thing that I forgot to mention was that back in the good old days in the Tower of London when they used to relieve people of their heads and put them on stakes on London Bridge, they kept vicious ravens that would pick the eyes out and rip the flesh. You know, quoth the raven and all that stuff. Well, they still have ravens there, and signs warning you that they are nasty! Well maybe you had to be there, but I thought it was kinda cool.

Anyhow, yesterday then. In the morning Karen and I headed off to the British museum. George and Ira were wrong, it hasn't lost it's charm at all (and if you don't get that cryptic reference, tough, I'm not explaining it until I get home, you can all think about it). It was absolutely massive. I mean huge, and it is full of the most amazing artifacts, heaps of Roman, Egyptian and Viking bits and pieces. Maybe I am just juvenile or too much of a Lord of the Rings nerd, but there is something about 1000-3000 year old swords that just tickles my fancy.

Karen was funny at the museum, it was all she could do to not tell people off for touching the artifacts. At one point, I think she even dobbed on some people to the security guards. I guess if you spend 40 hours a week telling people not to touch, it's a hard habit to break just because you are on holidays.

Yesterday afternoon, we had a long chat and a few beers with my long lost Aunty and Uncle Brenda and Keith. It was a lovely afternoon sharing family news and events, and listening to Keiths fascinating tales of a life in rockets. They were then kind enough to buy us dinner at an absolutely beautiful Italian restaurant, which when you are backpacking on a budget (and let me tell you, this little town is expensive) is all your wishes come true. After a week of cheap shitty food, scallopini and a machiato was just divine.

I am going around to Jason's this afternoon, so hopefully I will be able to share some photos from this week with you all. We leave this hostel at 5:30 tomorrow morning, so no guarantees that updates will be as frequent next week.

2 Responses to “Last day in London”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hey guys, Tara here. You had me going for a second and I was very excited, until I read further! but it did make me post a comment!! Sounds like you are having a great time.... I enjoy hearing about what you're up to - it's like being there with you.

    lots of love Tara and Nick

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hi Guys
    Andrew and Majella here
    Reading your exploits makes me travel sick, I wish we were still away. Finding it hard to settle back into work but of course work are doing all they can to obliterate the memories and pull you back into the work sleep work boredom. It is great to hear of your tales as we dit much the same stuff. Funny that london is such a big place but everyone does the same stuff!
    Enjoy the rest of your travels.
    Andrew and Majella

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  • From Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
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