A blog detailing the ongoing slobberpalooza that is the life of those with both a baby and a boxer.

Don't think we haven't been busy.

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I know, I know, updates on this blog have been a little slow. That's not because we have been laying idle, far from it indeed. It's just that we have been so busy, and here in Moomba, blogger.com is blocked from most internet enabled PC's, so updating has been logistically difficult.

Nevermind though, here I am late at night, on a dodgy dial up line, ready to give you a low down on the various happenings.

First thing I'd like to report on was Brock's 1st birthday. I know it sounds cliche, but it is hard to believe that my nephew is one already, time flies when you're having fun I guess.

The party was a complete blast, lots of kids, lots of cool toys, including some requiring assembly. It may seem perverse to derive enjoyment from having to put a toy together, but I guess you have to be a male engineer to understand. I will admit that I am not a real man though, occasionally I consult the instructions. RTFM as they say in the biz.

Aside from the thrill of the assembly, the afternoon was spent having a few beers and watching the cricket in between playing with the toys that were noisy yet somehow entertaining to 30 year olds. Brock himself found it all a bit overwhelming, and spent a good part of the afternoon asleep. Who can blame him though, he is only 1 and after all, it was his party and I guess he could do whatever the hell he wanted.

I have been spending a ridiculous amount of time in Moomba of late, paying penance for the 11 weeks in total I have had off work this year. The little time I have had at home I have been helping Karen in getting the Aldinga house ready for our first open inspection coming up this weekend. Its pretty exciting, and yet a little scary. Its scary in that sort of opening-night-of-a-performance kind of way, we have done a lot of hard work, and now it gets evaluated by the public.

I hope public opinion of our work is high enough to coax one person to part with 295,000 clams in exchange for the privilege of owning the place. I guess we will soon find out.

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  • From Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
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