Published Sunday, July 31, 2005 by James. 
I always thought blogging on the 31st of July would involve me proudly posting pictures of my new child. As it has turned out, Wigglebum forgot her own birthday, and is still is calling Karen's lower abdomen home.
It has been the strangest weekend let me tell you, what do you do when you gear yourself up for a particular day for 40 odd weeks and that day just comes and goes without event? What can you do really, except try to go about life as normal. I have been hanging around
Scouts Shouts, which performs this week, trying to make myself useful, and trying to avoid just sitting around the house waiting for something to happen.
I don't have a great deal else to say, except, well, stay tuned. I hope to post some baby pictures soon.
Published Thursday, July 28, 2005 by James. 
Last week, when Karen and I visited our friendly neighborhood obstetrician, wigglebum was what the experts call 4/5ths engaged. This means that 4/5ths of her tiny little body was down in Karen's pelvis, getting ready to come out.
This week however, on a cursory visit to Dr Karen, two days before the event horizon, we find that wigglebum has in fact changed her mind and climbed back up, to only be 1/5 engaged! What the?!? The long and the short of this story is, the chances of us actually having a baby by this coming Friday are slim to remote.
Which is a bugger really, but that's life I guess. If wigglebum doesn't come out by next Friday, (ie 7 days overdue) then we get into discussions about how to hurry her little arse up. Stay tuned.....
Published Friday, July 22, 2005 by James. 
Our net access here at Magill has now been upgraded to ADSL 2+.
Cop this for some speed.....

That's right kiddies, a blistering 4.3 Mb/s. Yowsers! I know some of you are thinking, "big deal, you nerd" but as some perspective, that is some 150x faster than my first 28.8 dial up modem, I used to use to connect to my Cobweb (now swallowed by
Chariot) internet account back in '96.
Time to download some stuff!
Published Thursday, July 21, 2005 by James. 
Only 8 days now until the day that the "experts" are predicting that Wigglebum will stop breathing amneotic fluid and switch to air. What this means in real life is that any day, any hour any minute now, it's gonna be baby time. Which is sort of like "Hammer time", but with smaller nappies.
And while Wigglebum wiggles around in Karen's belly, the butterflies are really doing a lot of wing flapping in mine.
The best way I can describe my feelings right now is I feel like I am going bungy jumping, and I am at that point where the guy with the dreadlocks has me all strapped in. I am looking down into the ravine, knowing there is no way to back out. The whole thing seemed like a good idea before, but now faced with the grim reality of the enormous drop, I am having second thoughts. I know anytime now, I am going to be plunging downwards into the unknown, hoping that bungy cord is going to hold up...
Published Thursday, July 14, 2005 by James. 

.... but now it's wigglebum's room.
Wigglebum now has her head engaged, and although her official due date is a fortnight from today, she could come anytime now.
I just want to go on the record as saying that I am absolutely shitting myself.
Published Monday, July 11, 2005 by James. 
Saturday night saw Karen and I once again head to
Anstey Rovers annual quiz night. We joined a table with my old
Rover Crew, and helped them get a valiant second place overall and first rover table. Not a bad effort.
What was funny, was that on Ansteys Quiz night last year,
Sneaky and myself stole thier crew mascot, a little goat, and I took him on a bit of a holiday. I returned him to them this year (but he was promptly stolen again, and is off on another holiday!), and gave them a CD rom with some holiday snaps on them. In case you missed them on the night, here's there permanent entry into the blogosphere. Enjoy!

Published Saturday, July 02, 2005 by James. 
Karen has been getting these false contractions over the last couple of days, which haven't proved to be too painful, but they make her belly go tight as a drum. You could bounce coins off of it, I swear.
Funny how I can sit here and muse about false contractions. I imagine its going to be a whole different story when they are
real contractions!
Other baby news, our friends Ben and Beck, welcomed another addition to thier family this morning, little(!) Thomas Isaac, measuring 55cm and tipping the scales at an eye watering 10lb6. Congratulations indeed!
I have just a couple of photos I want to share , the first is of our mate Vanessa getting sworn into the air force last week. I wonder how many pushups she has done over the last few days?

Second is of course, our new car!