A blog detailing the ongoing slobberpalooza that is the life of those with both a baby and a boxer.

Our house is for sale, in case you didn't know.

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We held our first open inspection on the Aldinga house last weekend.

It wasn't what you'd call a booming success, the house was open both days, and managed to attract a grand total of 5 parties, none of whom I'd call prospective buyers. As a matter of a fact, I think our add in the paper has attracted the interest of more real estate agents than buyers at this stage.

Then I guess I shouldn't be surprised that a bunch of real estate sharks are circling, hoping that we will be easy prey. They obviously don't know Karen if they think they can just call up with a hard sell....

It is two weeks before Christmas, so people are more interested in buying gifts than houses, so for now at least the beach property stays in our hands.

In other news, I am away from home again. This time in Wollongong, on a conference discussing new rules regarding pipelines. I have been here for a couple of days, and you will be surprised to hear that it is yet to yield an amusing anecdote. Not even one. It's just a bunch of engineers in a room in a hotel debating whether the safety factor used when designing pipelines can be decreased, and frankly even I am not self indulgent enough to think anyone other than a pipeline engineer cares.

I'm sure there was more I was going to mention, but right now it's late and I've got nothing. Between our trip and work at the moment, I have been traveling almost continuously for 17 weeks, and it's starting to take its to take its to take its toll on my creativity. I have this underlying fatigue that I will only be able to shake by a week or so of doing nothing.

Hopefully Christmas will deliver that for me.

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  • From Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
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