A blog detailing the ongoing slobberpalooza that is the life of those with both a baby and a boxer.

The Baby Countdown - T minus 28 weeks.

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We are now almost in what the experts call the second tri-mester. Other than that, really bugger all to report baby wise this week, except for the fact that my ebay browsing habits have started to change. I am browsing more of your pram type items and less of your mountain bike bits. I guess it happens to the best of us.

The other quick update to get out of the way is we held open inspection III this weekend here at the Aldinga house. Saturday was slim pickings, but we had some genuinely interested people on Sunday. Lets hope one of them makes an offer.

I guess the big news of the weekend was the XFM reunion, marking twelve months ago since we ran the radio station at the last Australian scout jamboree. As with the jamboree, a good time was had by all, and it was good to see Amy and Greg come all the way from interstate to get at least most of the team back together.


We spent the whole weekend catching up with each other one way or another. Friday night was beers at the Maylands, Saturday night was delicious home made beer and pizza at Grumpy's and Sunday afternoon was whiled away, chewing the fat and reminiscing at the radio station site at Woodhouse.

I am off to the desert again this week, for what had better be the last trip for a while for me, lest my boss and I have some serious words.

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  • From Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
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