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Postcards from Eromanga Number 3

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I will admit from the outset that this postcard is not going to be as funny as I originally planned. In town, on a road sign near the pub, someone has graffittied the motif "piss off slack jawed yokels". I thought that it would make a funny photo.

So I set out from my motel room to walk down the street to bag the shot. The problem however is as soon as you step on to the street you fall under the distrustful gaze of a local, and then as soon as he's finished watching you, there is another, leaning over a fence or peering out from the bonnet of a ute watching you. This continues as you walk down the street, being watched by local after local, and is slightly disconcerting in a Deliverance sort of way.

Anyway, I don't have a photo, because I felt quite uncomfortable taking a photo of something the locals probably don't find that funny, while being watched by 3 or 4 of them on the verandah of the pub.

I do have a postcard though, while not funny at all really, is quite worth a look. This time of year out here you get big whirly whirlies, which look almost like tornadoes as they whip the dust in a spiral motion high in the air. Here is a photo of one ripping through the mulga scrub.

2 Responses to “Postcards from Eromanga Number 3”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    As you were walking down that street somewhere at the back of your mind was there some banjo music?


  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    How funny, Jon and I think so alike...I imagined it to be like a scene from a western movie, when the 'badie' strolls into town and everyone around stops what they are doing-stands up straight-lifts their hats - wipes the sweat away and follow him with their eyes, perhaps a piano stops playing in the distance...

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  • From Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
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