I'm really committed to this system of titles now aren't I? Stuff all baby developments this week really, Karen is coping well with the exception of a bit of insomnia. The big news will come this Tuesday when we have our first scan.
I have spent most of the week back in the ol' cooper basin doing some work for one of Fyfe's newer clients,
Beach Petroleum. The job was on the whole too bloody boring to mention in any details here. I did however take some happy snaps to show the desolate landscape however. Cop this for a place for your next holiday.
Anyhow, we spent a fun weekend this weekend in Clare at
the rancho, where we attended
A Day on the Green, at
Annies Lane winery. Of course, we had to pop into
Neagles Rock winery first for a delicious spot of lunch.
The weather was perfect, mid 20's with a light breeze, and the fact you were allowed to bring in deckchairs made for a very pleasant concert experience. Of course the acts themselves were pretty good too.
Clare Bowdich opened with an acoustic set, followed by
Tim Rogers, also Solo acoustic. I enjoyed both of these guys, however I would have enjoyed them more if the PA was turned up loud enough so I could here them properly.
Later in the evening, that
JJJ unearthed sensation
Missy Higgins took the stage, and was a hit with the crowd. I really like her work, but I just think live she should play a few more upbeat songs amongst the ballads, to liven things up a bit.
Support acts aside, it was time for
Pete Murray to hit the stage, but not before we got some light entertainment from the couple in front of us, who were engaged in a gloves off domestic. Nothing was sacred, parents, children, you name it - and both of them stormed of in tears dramatically at different stages in the argument. It was better than a daytime soapie I tell ya.
Anyway, Pete Murray rocked the house. For a ballad based sort of guy he really knew how to rock, with him and his band blasting through all of his hits, a few new songs and a Neil Young cover.
Pete closed his show with a spectacular encore, him and his band did a good 7 or 8 minutes of self indulgent jamming, which for someone like me who likes
Frank Zappa, was bloody fantastic.
We closed our weekend in the valley out with a long breakfast and some coffee at Neagles and headed home, so we could hold open inspection III, return of the non committal buyers.
Truth be told, as open inspections go, it was promising, we had more than 10 parties through, with a couple hanging around for a long time. If only someone would put pen to paper.....
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