A blog detailing the ongoing slobberpalooza that is the life of those with both a baby and a boxer.

Coming Soon - D&S Lager!

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First of all, my apologies for not having any pictures from our scan this week up yet, but we don't have the internet at Magill yet, for reasons I can't even be bothered going into. Of course I could scan the photo at home and then put it on my laptop and bring it to work and post it, but I was far too busy over the weekend with other exciting projects.

Projects such as the construction of the Dog and Slobber brewery, just behind the famous Dog and Slobber bar.

I spent most of the weekend cleaning out the shed, playing with power tools and swearing, but at 4pm, Sunday 13 March 2005 the yeast was pitched on the first D&S lager. As I write this on Monday morning, it is happily bubbling away, and should be ready for bottling around Thursday or Friday. The instructions say it takes another 14 days or so in the bottle before it is ready to drink, which right now feels like a lifetime away.

Hopefully I have done everything right and soon I will have 20 odd litres of delicious beer.

I will post some photos soon, but for now the D&S brewery is a fairly simple operation, with scope for future upgrades. I hope to one day get it as fancy as this guy, a true beacon to home brewing nerds. I mean, he has online telemetry! No wonder his nickname is Grog.

2 Responses to “Coming Soon - D&S Lager!”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I guess it must come with the territory - first child on the way and you get into home brewing - sounds familiar. I too have found this chaps site to be interesting but am sure we can make the process a little simpler, perhaps after a few more home brews.

  2. Blogger Lou Lou 

    Mmmmmmmmmmmmm Beer!
    Bring it on I say! I will gladly come over and offer a smarty pants analysis of the D&S brew, along with many hic-cups and un-lady like belching!

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