As you may have noticed, my brief holiday in Eromanga (that's sarcasm kids, my visit was neither brief nor a holiday) has thrown the countdown out of kilter. It's around 20 1/2 weeks to go now.
Karen has her first pre-natal class this evening, and this one is a no husband type affair. Not entirely sure why, but maybe there is some mention of the secret women's business of why they always attend public toilets in pairs.
Wednesday will see our second ultrasound, which I am pretty excited about. The second scan is the one where you can find out what the gender of your child is. This is a bit of a tricky issue, Karen definitely doesn't want to know, and whilst I don't want the nurse to
tell me the answer, it's not going to stop me from using all the analytical skill I can muster on the tape to try to work it out.
I will post some photos here, and you can all try to decide for yourself.
In accomodation news, we are now fully moved out of the
Aldinga property and back home at Magill. We are still in the process of unpacking boxes, but the good news is that the Dog and Slobber bar is back open for business.
Back down south, the
real estate agent held an open inspection and got almost instant success - an offer! It's a low ball, which is what I would expect, because that is what I would (or at least Karen would) do. The people seemed to really like the place so we will see how negotiations go this week, I hope we can get them up to a reasonable price and do a deal.
Thanks again go to our families, and our friends Kylie and Kym, who helped lug our stuff across town again.
Being back at Magill is funny. It doesn't feel strange, or good to be home, or anything. It just feels
normal. It just feels like we never left.
I'm not doubting your analytical skills, but here is a moment for me, with all the wisdom and experience of being a dad for about 9 months now, to smile encouragingly and just nod when you announce whether you think it is a boy or girl.
Because even those trained in the art of sonography still occasionally get it wrong
I actually won't be making any announcements, because a) Karen doesn't want to know, and b)I am an engineer and know better than to go out on a limb when the data is inconclusive.
Despite this, my ego is still alive and well and I am still confident I will be able to work it out. Sure, no one will believe me later in the year when I say I knew all along, but you get that.