A blog detailing the ongoing slobberpalooza that is the life of those with both a baby and a boxer.

Baby's still a comin'


I've gotta say, I am still basking in the glow of how good the latest Star Wars film is. Man it's good, I have now seen in 3 times. Twice at the cinema and once here thanks to good old bit torrent.

Fair bit of exicitement on the baby front this week, starting Thursday when we got our pram off of lay by. I had a good bit of fun putting that together, I can't wait to push it around with my child in it. The real fun however was on Saturday, when we spent the day at our Ante-natal class. This was a day that was filled with so much blogging gold, its hard to know which bits to write about. I absolutely must tell you about the birthing video though.

The midwife running the show warned us that it was a bit graphic, and that anyone that wanted to leave, could before the film started. Some of the guys were a bit uncomfortable with the idea of the video, but of course male pride kept them in the room. So on goes the video, and it has fallen out of a wormhole in time from 1985. Seriously, and it had that voice over guy from channel 9 who is on every low budget school or business video you have ever seen.

It was an interesting excercise to watch the body language in the room when the movie got to the "money shot", some people were clearly squirming. The tension was broken though by the tackiness of the video though, just as the head appeared through the poor lasses vagina, Wagners "Flight of the Valkyries" came floating out of the TV's crackly speakers, sending the whole place into hysterics.

Our suspicions of the videos age were confirmed when we met the obstetrician featured in the video in the corridor during lunch - he certainly wasn't sporting the healthy loads of curly hair from his acting days.

Overall though, I've got to say that we are feeling less scared about the whole childbirth thing than we were, and the key thing I got out of the day was that it seems that a lot of books you read are out to scare you. I guess we are going to find out....

Other activities for us over the weekend, were to attend our buddy Vanessa's going away party, to celebrate the fact she is running away to join the air force. It was a fantasy theme dress up party, no prizes for guessing what I went as.

We then spent this afternoon amongst children at Lucy's first birthday, which was a great afternoon of eating cakes and cocktail sausages, and playing with toys. I just can't wait until I am not the only child in this house, and I have an excuse to play with Lego again. Fancy a photo? Oh. alright then.

By this movie, impressed you will be


Wow, that was a long break between posts! For the conspiracy theorists, I'm afraid it has been nothing more sinister than the fact that I have been busy at home, and have had work to do at work.

Anyhoo, Karen and I spent the long weekend in Clare for the Gourmet weekend. I was going to write a long dissertation about the whole thing, but it turns out I don't need to because between Steve and Louise, you can work out what we got up to.

The big news this week of course was that I finally got to round off 28 years of Star Wars fandom at a midnight screening of Episode III - Revenge of the Sith. I can't be bothered making witty anecdotes about the other nerds that turned up at the midnight session, other than saying that if you have time to make home made jedi robes, you probably need to get out more.

What about the film? Wow. I mean, just Wow! Like other 30 something jaded Star Wars, I was vocally critical about the flaws in Episode 1, and while I liked Episode II, parts of it made me cringe.

But this film, Man oh man! I saw it in the very same cinema that my mum took me to see Empire Strikes Back in way back in '81, and I was just as wide eyed seeing this film as I was as an 8 year old. The magic is back!

It's not just nostalgia that carries this film though, it is a genuinely bloody good film. The action is nothing short of intense, and the way Anakin falls to the dark side is done very cleverly. I'd like to expand on this further actually, but I don't want to spoil it for anybody just yet.

I am going for another look on the weekend, I can't wait!

Absolutely Shattered.


Ok, as everyone knows, and probably is sick of hearing about, we are trying to sell our property at Aldinga Beach. For months and months this prick of a place has been for sale, and despite many nibbles, no one is prepared to put their signature down to take this weight from around our necks. We slashed the price by $15,000 dollars 2 weeks ago, and still have no result.

So it was a heartbreaking phonecall from the real estate agent to tell us that a couple came into the house yesterday and were in love with the place, and were coming back this morning to put in an offer. Except that on thier way to place said offer, they came by the house again to do a cursory check of the roller door height, found that thier beloved caravan wouldn't fit under, and promptly changed thier minds. So here we are again, another monday without a signature. Next weekend is a long weekend so 3/8ths of fuck all chance of selling it then, so probably at least another 2 weeks of stress ahead. All the while wigglebum is gestating at an unrelenting rate, just waiting to come out and put some more pressure on our already tenuous financial position.


What the bloody hell do we have to do to move this joint! For the love of God! Its big, near a park, near the beach and now selling for less than it would cost to build! We are virtually giving the place away, and still no-one wants it. Is this some kind of character test? Did I seriously fuck off the Karma gods or something? Dangnabit!

Furthermore, for some unknown reason, the second brew from the D&S brewery is a total disaster, and Floyd managed to grab his teeth into the frame of the dog door cover I built and pull it with enough force to pull half of it off despite 9 screws and liquid nails. I fixed his little red wagon now though, lets see him pull it off against 12 75mm screws, aided by steel brackets as well.

And now, after that little rant, some boob humour. Enjoy

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Houdini Dog


Whoah, Monday! Here I am dazed and confused as another week goes whooshing by.

Last week was a good week for entertainment, starting with Thursday when Lou and myself went along to the opening night screening of Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Don't Panic book fans, you can ignore what the nerds on internet boards are saying (and I guess most of you probably do anyway!) the movie is quite well done and quite funny. It lacks a bit of the biting wit that could have made it a classic, but worth a view nonetheless.

The fact that the trailers to Revenge of the Sith, and Tim Burton's new remake of Willy Wonka preceded the movie only made the night better.

We backed this upwith more mirth on Friday night by catching Ross Noble at the Playhouse. Man, what a faceache that was. I'd tell you about the best bits, if I could actually remember any of them. You walk out of a show like that, knowing that you laughed for two hours, but little else.

Saturday marked Karen's godson Harry's 5th birthday, and we got along to his party, featuring our mate Kylie dressed up as Shrek, a Magician and 25 screaming kids all jacked up on fairy bread. Yowsers! There were a couple of things worth mentioning here, the first was I somehow got the job of stopping the cd during the game of pass the parcel. Which would have been fine if not for the fact that that the parcel was big enough for 3 kids to have their hands on at any one time, and the fact that around the circle of 25 kids was an outer circle of 25 mothers all giving me that "you'd better stop the music on my child or I will kill you" type look.

The other highlight of the afternoon was later in the day after all the other kids went home and I got to help Harry assemble his new Mechano set.

By this time I am sure you are wondering what relevance the title has to all this, so I will get to the point.

At our house, Floyd has a dog door that allows him to enter and leave the house as he pleases, and it means that he can get into the front half of the house when we are not home. For various reasons, but mostly due to the fact we feel that any perceived security benefit is negated by having to wash the couch cover every week, we have decided that he can stay outside during the day.

Sounds easy right? Wrong.

First, we tried the plastic cover that comes with the dog door. That lasted about 10 seconds against a determined boxer headbutt attack.

Then we tried a combination of the plastic cover, and a pile of outdoor chairs in front of the door. He somehow managed to climb under the chairs, execute the headbutt, and was in the house in a couple of minutes.

Right! Not to be outdone, it was off to the hardware shop for me. I started by building a frame around the dog door out of 20x40mm pine, fixed to the door by 12 50mm screws and a generous helping of liquid nails. I then constructed a flush cover to go inside the frame from 15mm thick chipboard, fixed in place by two small deadbolts. Lets see you headbutt your way through that you bastard.

Imagine my surprise when I came home yesterday to find him in the house!

Boxers are supposed to be stupid, but Floyd knows how to exploit any weakness. The flaw in the design of this system was a wooden handle I put on the chipboard cover to make it easier to remove, since it sits flush in the frame. Floyd managed to get his teeth into this handle and pull on it until the small screws holding one of the deadbolts in place gave way! Cover down - in the house. Easy.

I had mixed emotions of pride for owning such a smart dog and frustration for being outsmarted by said dog. I felt like Wil-e-coyote as the roadrunner willingly escaped my acme trap again.

So now I have removed the handle, and also added another big fuck off deadbolt. I am confident he won't be in the house when I get home today.

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  • I'm James
  • From Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
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