I've gotta say, I am still basking in the glow of how good the latest Star Wars film is. Man it's good, I have now seen in 3 times. Twice at the cinema and once here thanks to good old bit torrent.
Fair bit of exicitement on the baby front this week, starting Thursday when we got our
pram off of lay by. I had a good bit of fun putting that together, I can't wait to push it around with my child in it. The real fun however was on Saturday, when we spent the day at our Ante-natal class. This was a day that was filled with so much blogging gold, its hard to know which bits to write about. I absolutely must tell you about the birthing video though.
The midwife running the show warned us that it was a bit graphic, and that anyone that wanted to leave, could before the film started. Some of the guys were a bit uncomfortable with the idea of the video, but of course male pride kept them in the room. So on goes the video, and it has fallen out of a wormhole in time from 1985. Seriously, and it had that voice over guy from channel 9 who is on every low budget school or business video you have ever seen.
It was an interesting excercise to watch the body language in the room when the movie got to the "money shot", some people were clearly squirming. The tension was broken though by the tackiness of the video though, just as the head appeared through the poor lasses vagina, Wagners "Flight of the Valkyries" came floating out of the TV's crackly speakers, sending the whole place into hysterics.
Our suspicions of the videos age were confirmed when we met the obstetrician featured in the video in the corridor during lunch - he certainly wasn't sporting the healthy loads of curly hair from his acting days.
Overall though, I've got to say that we are feeling less scared about the whole childbirth thing than we were, and the key thing I got out of the day was that it seems that a lot of books you read are out to scare you. I guess we are going to find out....
Other activities for us over the weekend, were to attend our buddy Vanessa's going away party, to celebrate the fact she is running away to join the air force. It was a fantasy theme dress up party, no prizes for guessing what I went as.
We then spent this afternoon amongst children at
Lucy's first birthday, which was a great afternoon of eating cakes and cocktail sausages, and playing with toys. I just can't wait until I am not the only child in this house, and I have an excuse to play with
Lego again. Fancy a photo? Oh. alright then.
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