More tales of a pregnancy in its third Trimester
Published Thursday, June 16, 2005 by James | E-mail this post 
The baby is coming in less than 7 weeks , and Karen finds herself tired, roundbellied, forgetful and emotional at the moment. Nothing strange really, these are all well documented symptoms of late pregnancy. She is down to 3 days a week at work now, and only a few weeks from giving up altogether for a year or so.
What is bloody strange though, is that my body seems to have gone into some bizzare sympathy mode. Despite the fact that I am still going to the gym, I find myself getting fatter by the week. Even my 'big pants' are a might smug right now. I am also bloody tired at the moment for some reason, as well as being alarmingly forgetful. Karen and I had lunch together yesterday, and we both forgot which street we parked the car in. The fact that my bladder has got me out of bed for the last 3 days only adds to my level of alarm that my life may have turned into the plot of a bad
Arnold Schwarzanegger movie.
(Ivan Reitman, vho I sink is a genius....)What is great news however, is that we now have a tennant signed up to live in our Aldinga house now, who was a last minute candidate, and turned out to be by far the best. We now have a 12 month lease with a signature on it, and with that out of the way we have ordered our new car.
For those who don't know, its a Mitsubishi Pajero. Most people seem to know that the literal spanish translation of Pajero (pronounced pah-yhero) is "straw player", used in much the same way as we ockers use the word wanker. There is plenty of references to this on the net, but I wonder if it is an urban myth perpetuated out of control.
Because if Pajero does really mean wanker in Spanish, why does
this website exist?
¡Uso del translater del google, usted de Niza fondler de la perilla!