Now before I get into this little essay, I want to pre-empt all of the parents out there who want to say "you wait". This is a pre-emptive shoosh, I know what has happened so far has nothing to do with what is going to happen in the future.
That out of the way, I have got to say, that parenting to date has been somewhat smoother sailing than I was psyching myself up for. William is a remarkably good baby, sleeping his way through most nights, and waking in the morning by giggling to himself.
Strangely, I don't feel like my lifestyle has been imposed on in the slightest by becoming a parent, because William is so portable. Take him in the car - he doesn't care. Take him somewhere noisy - still doesn't care. Take him somewhere bright, couldn't give a toss. Two traits I'm proud to say he inherited from me, sleeps like a log and doesn't get too worried about life. He does get cranky when he's hungry, and he eats a lot.
It sometimes feels like we are always feeding him. The formula can says he should be having 5 x 150ml feeds per day - Wil downs 4 x 150ml feeds and 2 x 200ml feeds. And since he sleeps about 10 hours a night, he has those 6 feeds over 14 hours rather than 24, so he is having a drink about every 2 and a bit hours.
Why does he eat so much I hear you ask? Well he is my son (still can't move that bloody gut-o-meter, fat bastard I am) but an average baby of his age is supposed to weigh around 5kg. William is now over 6.5. He is a big boy, having already outgrown 2 nappy sizes and his baby bath and the bassinet is starting to look decidedly squeezy.
We are feeding him on baby formula, not by choice, but due to the fact Karen really didn't produce much milk at all. For the first 6 weeks of his life he was getting a tiny bit of breast milk at each feed, but even that dried up quickly. I have to say bottle feeding has pros and cons - on the plus side, we both get to share feeding. On the minus side, it makes you do the bloody dishes every day, since you have to wash and sterilize bottles anyway. Fortunately we have yet to be confronted by a over zealous breast feeding advocate in the street while bottle feeding (as happend to my sister on a number of occasions).
William is starting to smile alot, and Karen managed to get a full fledged giggle out of him the other day whilst singing him a song. Its these moments that make it really good fun, like today when I had him imitating me poking my tongue out.
I will keep posting photos to so stay tuned.
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