Wigglebum's back
Published Tuesday, October 25, 2005 by James | E-mail this post 
Funny story. William, being the strapping young lad he is, has already outgrown his bassinet, so this week we have put him in his cot. That in itself is not funny.
Awoken by William's constant babbling and giggling this morning, I went in to get him out of bed only to find that he had not only wiggled out of his sheets and found his way to the other end of the cot from where I had put him, but had also managed to rotate himself 90 degrees.
What the? He is 11 weeks old, he's not supposed to be mobile yet, is he? You mean I can't just put him on his play mat and trust he will be where I left him 5 minutes later? I foresee some adventures coming our way.....
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