Published Wednesday, April 27, 2005 by James. 
This Anzac day just gone, I was once again honored to be able to march in the annual Anzac day parade.

Not that I have fought in any wars, but my Grandpa sure has, he served in New Guinea as a part of the 13th Field Regiment in World War II. Gramps' failing sight means that he needs a guide in the parade, and both my brother Andrew and I were lucky enough to share this role. I wrote a fairly long piece about this
last year, so I won't expand bore you by regurgitating pretty much the same stuff, except to say its easy to feel a bit 'unworthy' in the company of these blokes who did so much against the odds.

Pregnancy is ticking along, and we have now entered trimester 3. Its almost time for action stations. At least it would be if we could ever sell our bloody fricken house. It's tough I tell you, the bloody thing consumes our thoughts and conversations constantly. With a deadline rapidly approaching, we have slashed the price so hopefully a buyer will come out of the woodwork.
Fingers crossed!
Published Sunday, April 17, 2005 by James. 
Just a quick report on the party that was held at the D&S last night. We held cocktail party III in aid of Karen and Steve's birthdays, as well as a bit of a re house warming. In a departure from previous cocktail parties where formal attire was required, we set the dress code for this do as anti-cocktail (read: bogan). I am still feeling a bit seedy so I won't crap on too much but as they say in the classics, a picture is worth a thousand words so here comes a four thousand word essay.
A group of bogans. Is that right? I wonder what the collective noun for bogans is. Leave a comment if you've got something creative.
Dumb and dumber!
It came all too naturally for these two
Steve mixes up something dodgy.
Published Thursday, April 14, 2005 by James. 
We are sort of at the point in the pregnancy at the moment which is a bit like the "eye of the storm". All of the nausea and wired emotions of the first trimester are passed, and everything seems pretty normal waiting on the onset of the excitement of the third trimester and eventual birth.
I played my first game of competitive golf on the weekend, down at the scenic
Victor Harbour golf course. I have been accepted as a member of
SAOGA, and since my first 5 scorecards go towards calculating my handicap, the fact that I sucked on the day is actually a good thing. The day started badly, since I drove half way down there and realized I didn't have my golf shoes, but the rain largely held of to make for a pleasant morning of whacking white balls.
In beer news, I cracked my first bottle of D&S lager last night, and I am happy to report it is quite drinkable. I rate it as quite an achievement that I successfully made an acceptable batch of beer on my first try, and can't wait to get brew #2 underway. Any hobby where you get 23 litres of beer for a financial outlay of about $13 is one worth pursuing I reckon.
Published Wednesday, April 06, 2005 by James. 
That's right, we've gone mad shoppers!
We're having a mad run-out sale, and we can offer you this super deal!
Buy any property off of James and Karen this week and we will throw in a bottle of
Penfolds Grange. That's right - you read right. A bottle of GRANGE!
Call with in the next 24 hours and recieve a second bottle ABSOLUTELY FREE.
You get a magificent beach side 4 bedroom house, and not one but TWO bottles of delicious Grange for only 1300 easy payments of $454.79! CALL NOW, our
operators are standing by!
I tell you what is bloody exciting, I put my hand on Karen's belly last night and felt Wigglebum kick me! Yay!