Published Tuesday, January 31, 2006 by James. 
Well, here we are still having fun on our Tasmanian Adventure. William has got into the holiday routine now and is quite a bit happier.
As with the last post, I have outsourced the description of this little trip to
Steve. Click for a blow by blow account.
I just have a one little thing to add. I invented a new insult whilst driving in Melbourne traffic the other day. Schnoob. I haven't invented an exact meaning, but I know it sounds funny when you say it. If you are interested in the etymology of the word "Schnoob", it is a variation of the word "Schnorb", which is a coloquialism for the female breast once spotted in that bastion of journalistic integrity "The Picture".
It really has caught on, since it is such a versatile insult. You can say things like "C'mon Schnooby doo!", and Steve has a bit of rolled up news paper he has dubbed the Schnoobwacker.
Anyway, I guess you just have to be here.
Published Saturday, January 28, 2006 by James. 
So here we are back on the road again. Karen and I are on a proper holiday for the first time since our overseas trip, which seems like a lifetime ago.
We are touring Tasmania. I won't go into details about our itenerary, I'll leave that to our travelling companions,
Steve and
Lea and Jon. If you can't be bothered clicking, just know we are travelling around, looking at scenery.
Its fair to say at this point that Karen and I are having more fun on holiday than William. 3 days of holiday routine flexiblility have taken thier toll, and we have had tears on several occaisions today. I spent 20 minutes hiking up a hill today with a screaming baby on my back, which was on the whole slightly stressful, especially since I only had 4 hours of
ferry sleep last night.
Anyhow, it was worth it, because here is the scenery we saw...
Published Monday, January 16, 2006 by James. 
.... and I just wanted to post this. Its William and my dad. The expression is priceless.
Published Thursday, January 12, 2006 by James. 
Well, here we are 2006 already. We are only a week or so in, and already there has been some big events in the J, K and W world.
First of all, William can sort of sit up by himself now, and can definitely roll over. We know this because he now rolls him self onto his tummy in bed, can't roll back and wakes up. So far this has only been a day sleeping problem, so lets cross our fingers that he learns to roll back before it starts to be a night sleeping problem. Although, since not more than 10 minutes ago, we had to roll him back, I am not confident.
Other big news was that my little brother got married to the very lovely Nicole. A great time was had by all, and it certainly was a lot of fun catching up with interstate family and friends in the lead up and "post match" periods. It was a nice wedding as they go, I performed the job as M.C. for the evening, and certainly lead by example in the drinking stakes.
The setting for thier actual wedding ceremony was the scenic Marble Hill ruins in the Adelaide Hills. I have a bit of a fetish for stitching photos together to make panoramas at the moment, and here's one I made of thier ceremony.

Its clicky if you wan't a bigger version.