06 off to a flying start
Published Thursday, January 12, 2006 by James | E-mail this post 
Well, here we are 2006 already. We are only a week or so in, and already there has been some big events in the J, K and W world.
First of all, William can sort of sit up by himself now, and can definitely roll over. We know this because he now rolls him self onto his tummy in bed, can't roll back and wakes up. So far this has only been a day sleeping problem, so lets cross our fingers that he learns to roll back before it starts to be a night sleeping problem. Although, since not more than 10 minutes ago, we had to roll him back, I am not confident.
Other big news was that my little brother got married to the very lovely Nicole. A great time was had by all, and it certainly was a lot of fun catching up with interstate family and friends in the lead up and "post match" periods. It was a nice wedding as they go, I performed the job as M.C. for the evening, and certainly lead by example in the drinking stakes.
The setting for thier actual wedding ceremony was the scenic Marble Hill ruins in the Adelaide Hills. I have a bit of a fetish for stitching photos together to make panoramas at the moment, and here's one I made of thier ceremony.

Its clicky if you wan't a bigger version.
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