A blog detailing the ongoing slobberpalooza that is the life of those with both a baby and a boxer.

Welcome baby Kiah Morgan

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Well, here's some news, my baby sister had another little baby of her own today, a bouncing 3.4 kg little girl named Kiah Morgan. I don't have a photo yet I'm sorry, because I went straight from work and didn't have my camera. I'll get Karen to grab a snap when she goes back tommorrow.

I have to fess up, this whole weight loss idea I had is not going well at all. I so want to take that gutometer over there down, but then I'll just look like a BFQ (don't click this at work kids). So there it stays, maxed out. It's not that I don't have any will power, its just, well.... see if this makes any sense. I have a baby son. I have also nursed serious hangovers the last 3 weekends in a row. So therefore, having a baby gives you hangovers. Great, and I thought it was all the drinking I have been doing.

Seriously though, I am going to be checking into Betty Ford soon. Cop this for some serious liver punishment...

Last Friday - Industry dinner with the Gringo and the Neagles Rock crew.
Last Sunday - APIA convention dinner
Tuesday - Melbourne cup lunch and another APIA conference dinner
Wednesday - Business Lunch
This weekend - Boys weekend to the Gold Coast.
Next week - my birthday and a wedding.

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  • From Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
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