So there it is, our first Christmas with children. An amazing experience really, and there is only one way to describe it, Toys. Yup, toys, toys and more toys. My word, William really hit the toy jackpot for christmas, getting everything from a kick activated ferris wheel, to a toy rocket and everything you can think of in between.
For a father, this was the coolest thing ever, so much stuff to assemble and play with. William on the other hand - well - the baby books warn you about "overstimulating" your children, for this leads to a screaming match. Previously, I just thought this was a lot of poppycock and our Wil was too chilled out to get overstimulated - but it turns out we just hadn't been trying hard enough. Crowd a room with a dozen cooing relatives, a couple of other kids, presents galore, and mix it with a bit of teething pain and you have a formula for a meltdown.

Poor little William cracked a tantrum the likes of which he has never done before. Tears, little vibrating tounge, the whole works. Definitely one of those parenting isn't all beer and skittles moments - Karen ate a cold christmas lunch.
This is not to say that now he doesn't love playing with all those toys, Wil is just getting to the stage now where he can really grab hold of things, and generally uses this new found skill to work out how things taste. He really tries to hold his own bottle which is quite cute.
He has also managed to roll himself over, although, I am a bit reluctant to say at this stage he can roll, because he has only done it once and as yet hasn't been able to repeat the stunt. Not for want of trying though....
We are still taking weekly photos of William, which has been interesting to see the changes in him over 20 odd weeks. Having 20 weeks worth of photos has also allowed me to make this collage of his many expressions. (click below for a larger version)
Very nice Scrapbooking.... amazing how fast time goes!