A blog detailing the ongoing slobberpalooza that is the life of those with both a baby and a boxer.


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As you can see, I've given the ol' girl a bit of a scrub up.

That's all really. I just wanted to state the obvious

2 Responses to “Facelift”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    funny how,in all the big,wide,web,you come across an old school mate from salisbury high.
    wow..youve really been places n done stuff,huh?...just spent an hour catching up on your life (how voyeuristc of me) congrats on the family.who would have thought ,that those 2 dweebs that used to hunch over the old commodore 64 playing destruction derby (the tractor with the mines was my fave...oh-! and lets not forget 'sam fox strip poker' hahahah pmsl!) would be here 20 years later,with families and shit.and still dweeby ;o) i'm married too now,2 kids, a girl,8, and a boy,4 ,doin the mortgage thing in redwood park...still hunching over computers...although i've moved a little further on from the old amstrad 6128 that i used to fly lol...but nuthin as fancy as my own blog. (hahaha.ner!)so,wow,hey? anyway...just popped by to say hi and hopefully tweak a memmory and freak you out. good luck and best wishes,james me old mate. ;o)

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    G'day Craig,

    Good to hear from you mate, send me an email to

    james(at)jamesandkaren(dot)id(dot)au so I can reply.


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  • From Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
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