Any comments from the audience?
Published Thursday, December 01, 2005 by James | E-mail this post 
It has occurred to me that since I gave this little web diary thingo a facelift a couple of weeks ago, no one has bothered to comment on anything, not even the spammers. I postulate there are a few possibilities to explain this phenomenon.
1. The new template is so hideously ugly that no one can bear to look at it anymore.
2. I haven't written anything interesting enough to comment on, or
3. No one can work out how comments work on this thing anymore.
Just to indulge myself and pretend that number 3 bears any resemblance to the truth, I am going to let you all in on a little secret. See up there, next to the title, there is a little "0"? Click that. For some reason beyond my feeble web programming skills, it won't actually use the word comments until someone has made one.
There. Doesn't that make you all sleep better to know that?
Perhaps the whole thing of leaving comments has fallen from favour?
Hi James,
I am still scarred from the last time i tried to leave a comment.
the changes you have made look fantastic.
Hi James,
I have tried to leave a comment but I am not sure it has made it onto the site. I am still scarred from the last time I tried to leave a comment.
I think the changes are excellent.
I'm going with reason number 2
Ummmm, I think I will have to go with contestant number 3....
Ooooh look, it's a squirrel with a HUGE knob !
And its collecting its nuts for winter!