Everything is going swimmingly
Published Tuesday, February 28, 2006 by James | E-mail this post 

William can crawl! Only one small problem though, he can only go backwards. He gets up onto his hands and knees, but then his legs slip out from under him, and he goes backwards a little. So he gets up and tries again, and goes back a bit further.
The parenting books say that you should put a toy in front of your child to encourage them to crawl towards it. William gets quite frustrated as he finds himself getting further and further from the toy he's trying to reach. Poor little bugger, I feel like that at work sometimes.
As well as crawling, Wil is now learning to swim. He had his first swimming lesson last week, which he absolutely loved. This week he was loving it as well, at least until I completely submerged him under water. It turns out he wasn't a real fan of this, but then I hear no baby is the first time. Its a bit like beer I guess, more of an aquired taste.
I would also like to point out in the back ground you can see myself, Lucy, Lucy's cousin Bri and Uncle Gary.
Hows that for sneaking into a photo.
So you can. Amazing, especially when you consider how I already cropped that photo.
How long before we see a Rolf Harris style public swim campaign ad by Jimbo ??