Those of you who are not parents, who don't want to be put off of having children, might be best to skip most of this post and just look at the pictures.
Last week, William was infected by a delightful little virus by the name of
Gastroentertitis Rotavirus. Good old Gastro, a bug that will strike fear into the hearts of even the healthiest person, made its way into our house through William, and made it self known by Karen getting up to William to discover that he had been sleeping in his own vomit. (That's my boy!).
Of course since this little bastard is highly contagious, Karen was struck down by Wednesday night, and by 4am Thursday morning, I was down too. It was, if you'll pardon the pun, some nasty shit.
This all happened against the backdrop of Tara and Nicks impending wedding, for which Karen was the Matron of Honour. Whilst Karen and I recovered reasonably quickly, when William let loose a projectile vomit at 2am Saturday morning, there was a level of stress in this household to rival the elastic in
Rita McNeil's undies.
So William went of to stay with Karen's Mum and Dad on Saturday, despite being quite infections, because we couldn't exactly pull out of the wedding. They were harvesting the grapes on the property that weekend, and almost everyone who helped ended up with the lurgy.
As did Nick, and other guests from the wedding. Fortunately, the wedding had been over for a good three hours before it hit Nick.
Despite all this, the wedding was bloody excellent fun. We had a ball, and I got to try my hand at some "Serious" wedding photography. You can see some of the results in my
Deviantart gallery, along with a lot of my other "best work". For those that can't be bothered, here is a quick pic....

It doesn't end there though. Due to the rapid spread of this virus amongst the circle of people we saw last week, and Williams yet to be fully developed immune system, the poor little bugger came down with it AGAIN!, and a couple more vomits saw Karen reach the end of her tether and whip him round to the Women's and Children's hospital. He is now on a rehydrating fluid, which is like baby Powerade, and hopefully recovering.
"G" week started for us on the 12th March, Starting with Emma, then myself then Amanda.
Fortunetly Emma pulled through ok although we suspect she dropped a fair bit of weight.